Hotel API has 4 steps of flow. Please do not forget that all steps are must.
Destination Structure
In order to supply maximum level of destination hierarchy in human readable format (national, regional, sub-regional, local and sub-destination based), Platform 2 provides multi-level destination structure by parent-child relation with more-to-more connectivity.
Below chart shows structure sample of destination to sub-destination relation :
Sub-destination’s parent destination code refers higher destination that covers sub destination.
More-to-more structure gives best application of destinations and creates destination matrix in order to provide ability to reach sophisticated certain destination that have complex relation with destination network.
- More than one sub-destination can be connected to single destination.
- Sub-destination can be connected to more than one destinations.
- Maximum level of sub-destination count from highest level destination to lowest level destination is non-limited.
- If a destination doesn’t have a parent id, this destination is a city.
- For US, Canada, Brasil, Mexico and Australia, province regions refers to states.
Below chart shows destination structure of static database :
A standard hotel booking progress starts with "search" action and the general flow continues as "search -> check availability -> provision -> booking" steps. During this flowing process, for each step, unique codes must be carried to the next step.